Career Mentoring

Career Mentors offer individuals and groups the opportunity to enhance their career development. To create, Mentors utilise their career experience to help mentees build confidence, develop new skills and enhance their performance which ultimately increases the pace of your career advancement.

Through engaging on our tailored programmes you will receive bespoke support which enables individuals:
To learn about different careers and fields.
To navigate their way through the job market.
To benefit from guidance and support during difficult times.
Utilise a career mentor to expand your network and connect with other professionals.

Book a 30 minute session here to secure personal mentorship which will enhance your career.

For those who want individual support and to personally invest in securing your next role we provide tailored workshops which enable you to maximize your potential.

This will be shaped from an initial “discovery” meeting during which we will establish the critical factors requiring support for you to move your career forward, and align the most suitable mentor to partner with over the coming months and potentially years

Call us on 07956 029 624 to discuss creating a bespoke programme which will enable you to fulfil your true potential